6mR boats vie for the best start
The six metre class has managed to retain the heritage of international class racing in thoroughbred boats that don't have to break the bank.
We believe there are some 1,500 6mR boats around the world today, and the UK has one of the largest fleets. The International Six Metre Association has members in most European and American sailing centres.
Early Fife boats build in 1907 are still racing - often against new moderns. Some classics have been beautifully modified for cruising, several race only occasionally. All 6mRs have one thing in common: their distinctive sailing silhouette and an adherence to a tried and tested formula. A tribute to the designers and builders. There is no doubt the Class generates a passion and devotion driven by the stunning appearance of the boats, and their historical significance.
David Elliott receiving the Kirlo 1/2 model in 2013 from Tim Gedge.The 6mRs now race for the Kirlo ½ model, built by the Boat Building Academy. Fittingly the model was won in 2013 by David Elliott, one of the founders of Cowes Classics Week, in his classic 6mR Monsoon.
Photo: Lead picture courtesy of the British Six Metre Association. Prizegiving photo by
Link: www.6mr.org.uk