We missed you in 2020, but at the time of writing have some confidence that we may meet again in 2021.
Every indication points towards the event going ahead in 2021, even if some minor restrictions continue to apply. We will monitor the position and advise you promptly should the situation change.
This is the regatta organised by sailors for sailors and for 2021, following consultation with representative groups, we have set the dates for the week immediately following the Round The Island Race and Windeler Cup. There are many advantages to this date change and some competitors will welcome the opportunity to voyage to Cowes and participate in the Round The Island Race or Windeler Cup (new long distance race for day boats in the Solent) and stay on for Classics Week returning to their home club the following weekend.
We have some new and interesting sponsors supporting the event for 2021 and will introduce Cowes Classics Day on Tuesday 6th July with a display of Classic Cars and Classic Power boats on the Parade and the London Landing.
2021 is the 60th anniversary of the Cowes-Torquay Race originally conceived by Sir Max Aitken and run by the Royal London Yacht Club. Some competitors from the era are expected to display their craft.
Entries are open on www.cowesclassicsweek.org. In the event that we are obliged to cancel, entries can either be carried forward to 2022 at the 2021 rates, or refunded.
Your views and contributions are important to the success of the regatta and we invite Class captains/representatives and Club Secretaries to join a Zoom Meeting at 1800 on Wednesday 10th March 2021. The Principal Race Officer and a selection of race officials will also be present. Please apply for an invitation by email to
We look forward to seeing you all again in July 2021. In the meantime please stay well and keep safe.
David N Gower
Chairman Cowes Classics Week
Mobile: 07836 602 875