Cowes Classics Week welcomes entries from pretty much any classic racing yacht - if you can't find your class or design listed then please ask!
Metre Boats
There has been a real resurgence of interest in The Metre Boats with many restorations and new builds, and sailing mega-stars choosing metre boats for their personal sailing. Cowes Classics Week is delighted to be organising competitive fleet racing for 12mR, classic and modern 6mR, Daring, and original 5.5mR.
Cowes Classics Week began in 2007 as a modest event for classic dayboats, however with support from racing sailors exceeding all expectations, we continue to extend a warm welcome to expanding fleets from the huge number of classic one design classes around the country, together with one-offs.
Classic Yachts & Old Gaffers
Wooden IOR and other classic yachts, some in GRP race with us subject to a "fit" with the eligibility criteria. Also eligible are Classic Yachts designed pre 1975 in wood or steel, GRP boats designed over 50 years ago, along with classically designed 'Spirit of Tradition' yachts. For 2015 this class will be joined by the old gaffers.